Vol. 7 ¹ 4, 2017 p 35-43


Article name, authors, abstract and keyword


Numerical modeling of crack propagation under mixed-mode loading

À. Boulenouar a, N. Benamara a, M. Merzoug a

a Laboratory of Materials and Reactive Systems, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Sidi-Bel-Abbes. BP 89. Larbi Ben Mhidi, Sidi Bel Abbes 22000, Algeria


Abstract: Finite element analysis (FEA) combined with the concepts of Linear Elastic fracture me-chanics (LEFM) provides a practical and convenient means to study the fracture and crack growth of materials. In this paper, a numerical modeling of automatic crack propagation under mode I and mixed-mode loading is presented. The onset criterion of crack propagation is based on the stress intensity factor, which is the most important parameter that must be accurately estimated and facilitated by the singular element. Using the Ansys Parametric Design Language (APDL), the displacement extrapolation technique (DET) and the maximum circumferential stress (MCS) theory are employed, to obtain the stress intensity factors (SIFs) at crack tip and the crack direction at each step of propagation. The predicted results showed excellent agreement with numerical and analytical results obtained by other researchers. Thus, it is concluded that the automatic crack propagation method developed allows efficient and accurate simulation of mixed mode crack propagation problems.

Keywords: crack propagation, stress intensity factors, mixed-mode loading, displacement extrapolation

Reference for citing:
Boulenouar À., Benamara N., Merzoug M. Numerical modeling of crack propagation under mixed-mode loading. Naukatekhnol. truboprov. transp. neftiinefteprod. = Science & Technologies: Oil and Oil Products Pipeline Transportation. 2017;7(4):35–43.

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